Blennerhassett, Lubeck, Southside, and Washington First. That’s My Policy.

  • Lowering Taxes

    I believe West Virginia's families deserve to keep more of what they work so hard to earn. I'm proud to support lower taxes on West Virginian families and businesses to promote economic growth. When elected, I'll go to Charleston and sponsor legislation that lowers the tax burden here in the Mountain State.

  • Fighting for WV Family Values

    West Virginia is a special state. Our families are tight and we care about our neighbors. I've always valued the West Virginian way of life, and I'll proudly represent these values in Charleston to make sure future generations are blessed with the same virtues we experience today.

  • Investing in Broadband Internet

    There's a need for increased access to broadband internet on our state. Folks in rural areas experienced this heavily during the COVID-19 times, with children needing to go to class online and adults needing to work remotely. I'm going to stand up for everyday West Virginians, to tell the elites in Charleston that we need to do better so the access to information and resources can be experienced by all in our state.

  • Fixing Critical Infrastructure

    Here in District 13 folks know that our roads, bridges, and other critical infrastructure is in disrepair. I promise to fight for increased funding for infrastructure projects that will help the people of District 13. It’s about time we have a fighter that will stand up for our people.

  • Temporarily Halting the Gas Tax

    The RADICAL LEFT and our current President have failed the people of West Virginia. Now hard working folks from our district are feeling the burden at the gas pump. That’s why I want to temporarily halt the WV Gas Tax to ease the burden on WV families like yours.

  • Supporting our Local Law Enforcement

    Our hardworking law enforcment deserve the best we have to offer. They need the tools to be successful including bulletproof vests, vehicles, and tools to handle violent crime in our area. While they run to the sounds gunfire folks in Charleston have been running away from supporting them. I BACK THE BLUE, and promise to fight for increased funding for our police officers.

We Can’t Do it Alone

The people of District 13 deserve a fighter in Charleston. I believe in protecting your second amendment rights, lowering taxes on working-class families, investing in career and technical education, and bringing manufacturing jobs back to our District. I can’t do it without your help. Help me fight the Democrats in Charleston by donating just $7

Get Involved.

If you’re like me then you’ve seen the disaster that Democrats’ policies have had on working-class folks like you and me. It’s about time we stand up and show them that this state is not one that tolerates raising taxes, taking away our constitutional rights, or Nancy Pelosi’s progressive agenda. Join me in my fight and leave a word of encouragement.